
Pickleball: What is it and why should you play it?


Looking for a fun way to exercise and enjoy the outdoors? It might be time to explore the benefits of Pickleball. This sport, which combines elements of Ping-Pong, tennis, and badminton, has been around for over 50 years and is suitable for nearly any age group.

What is Pickleball?

This fun sport combines elements of Ping-Pong, tennis, and badminton. Typically, two to four people play on a court slightly smaller than a standard tennis court. Players use rectangular paddles to hit a modified wiffle ball over a net slightly lower than a tennis net.

In Pickleball, players call themselves “Picklers” and refer to playing as “Pickling.” When a team loses, they say they are “Pickled.”

Players start the game by serving the ball underhand and diagonally, ensuring it bounces before returning it. The game continues until one team reaches 11 points; to win, it must be ahead by two points.

Why should you play Pickleball?

Exploring the benefits of Pickleball reveals that it improves social connections and boosts cardiovascular health. If the name alone doesn’t catch your attention, consider these other reasons to make Pickleball a part of your weekly routine:

  • Improve Your Social Life: New to a community or neighborhood? Look for a Pickleball game to join. The Pickleball community is welcoming and eager to introduce newcomers to the game.
  • Easy to Learn: Pickleball is not a challenging game to learn. Experience in tennis, squash, or racquetball can help you pick up the game quickly. However, even beginners to paddle sports will soon be engaging in rallies.
  • No Age Requirement: Pickleball is accessible to all ages. With minimal equipment required—just a paddle and a ball—nothing stops you from hitting the court and trying it.
  • Simple Scoring: Forget complicated scoring systems. In Pickleball, you play to 11 points and win by two points.
  • Great Exercise: Pickleball boosts cardiovascular health, lowers blood pressure, reduces stress, decreases depression, and improves coordination and brain function. Plus, it offers a fun alternative to the gym.
  • Love Competition? Pickleball might be the right fit. Competitive leagues exist nationwide, and the U.S. Open Pickleball Championship, held each April, attracts teams nationwide and worldwide.

Overall, Pickleball is an excellent choice for staying active and engaged. Since the 1960s, this enjoyable activity has kept people of all ages moving and connecting with others. The benefits of Pickleball include physical exercise and a fun way to meet new people and build community—a win-win for everyone involved.

So, the next time you’re looking for a new activity, seek out some Pickleball players. Some Picklers near you would love to introduce you to the game!