
Tips for Successfully Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions

Compass illustrating the transition from 1919 to 2020, symbolizing New Year's resolutions.

Most of us have made New Year’s resolutions. They might have been in jest, to eat more chocolate, or health-conscious – to lose 20 pounds, or maybe more inclusive – to spend more time with family and friends. But whatever those resolutions might have been, keeping them can be tough. Only about 20% of Americans follow through, with most dropping them by mid-February.

If you are one of the 80%, then you are likely not surprised. However, there are some ways you can make the switch from the 80% to the 20%. Keep these tips in mind as you consider your new year, new me resolutions for 2020.

Tips for Sticking to Your Resolutions

  • Be realistic. Reaching a goal is more comfortable when it is SMART (Strategic, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-sensitive)
  • Anticipate obstacles. Think about potential problems in keeping your resolutions and determine how to overcome them before you face them.
  • Don’t become ambivalent about reaching your goal. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being highly motivated), assess how motivated you are to accomplish your goal. If you are a 6 or 7, then you are not as motivated to reach that goal and will likely slack off from it.

Resolutions to Consider for 2020

No matter your age, interests, or living situation, there are always things you can do to improve your life. Here are some New Year’s resolutions to consider for 2020.

Eat more citrus

Winter citruses such as grapefruits, oranges, clementines and pomelos not only taste great, but they are high in vitamin C, which aids in collagen production. The best part, the extra collagen in your diet minimizes wrinkles and helps skin stay moisturized.

More veggies

Whether your goal is to lose weight or simply be healthier, adding more vegetables to your diet is a great and simple choice.

Don’t try to multi-task

Often lauded as being better, the truth is it can slow us down. Instead, organize your time so that you allow blocks of time for the activities you need to accomplish.

Move more

It could be starting a new exercise regimen, taking the stairs instead of the elevator or parking farther away from an entrance. Decide to make 2020 the year you took more steps.


All of us have items we need to get rid of or pass on to someone else. Use 2020 to go through your home and systematically purge any of those unnecessary items. Throw them out or if they are in good shape, consider donating them to a local nonprofit.

Read more

Whether you read books the old-school way or you use audiobooks, making reading a priority is a great way to improve the mind.

Get involved

Look for new ways to volunteer and get busy. You will make new friends and have the opportunity to give back to the world around you.

Try something new

Resolve to make 2020 a year of new experiences. Whether it’s a new hobby, food, music or something else, trying something new is a great way to avoid boredom. A study even found avoiding boredom can minimize the risk of heart disease! 

Purchase new sneakers

With all the extra moving you will be doing, be sure your feet are comfy. Shop for your new sneakers in the afternoon, as this will ensure a better fit. Once you have a potential candidate, do a few squats or lunges to see if the shoe is supportive.

You may have noticed many of these have to do with your health. Surprisingly, health resolutions are overtaking financial ones. A study by Allianz Life found that 51% of people now prefer health and wellness as their top focus, while only 27% cited financial stability.

If hindsight is 2020, why not make looking back at 2020 your best year ever? At The Cedars of Chapel Hill, we offer many activities and options and are sure to have something that helps you keep your New Year’s resolutions from January to December. Check out the various activities and events in our monthly newsletter