
The Cedars Dining Experience: A Celebration of Flavor and Community

Diverse Dining Experiences at The Cedars

At The Cedars, dining is not just about delicious food; it’s an immersive experience that delights and fosters a vibrant sense of community. With a dedicated team of culinary experts and a commitment to outstanding service, The Cedars dining experience goes beyond expectations, offering members something special.

Director of Fine Dining Craig Michaels leads the operation with two decades of industry experience, ensuring that every aspect of the dining experience is meticulously crafted. Collaborating with the assistant director of fine dining, Brian Leonard, and executive chef, Brian Fitzgibbons, their goal is to create a dining program that leaves a lasting impression.

Glancing at the daily menus, you’ll find yourself drooling over the diverse and enticing offerings. Chef Fitzgibbons runs a superb scratch kitchen focusing on local and seasonal cuisines, infusing many dishes with international flavors. From the savory chicken tikka masala with aromatic spices to the mouthwatering vegetarian quesadillas served with house-made salsa, the Cedars’ culinary creations are a captivating exploration of flavors.

“We have a diverse clientele here, so we try to accommodate everybody the best we can by offering as many options and styles as possible,” says Fitzgibbons. The commitment to diversity and variety ensures that every member finds something that suits their tastes and preferences.

But what truly sets The Cedars’ dining experience apart is the emphasis on member feedback and engagement. Monthly meetings with a nine-member food committee, including Michaels, Leonard and Fitzgibbons, celebrates wins, gathers suggestions and plans future menu ideas. This committee acts as a cheerleader for the community, continuously seeking ways to improve the dining operation.

Anne Liptzin, the current chair of the member-led committee, has been instrumental in shaping the dining experience. A longtime resident at The Cedars, she has been passionate about the food since joining nine years ago. “One of the reasons we chose The Cedars was because we loved the food,” says Liptzin, reflecting on their initial impression.

Members greatly appreciate the opportunity to provide feedback and see their ideas implemented. According to Carol Stamm, who is actively involved in the member committee, “Michaels is receptive to criticism and never gets defensive. He actively listens and makes changes for the better. His responsiveness is exceptional.”

“In many ways, they play a crucial role,” Michaels says of the committee. “They engage with different community members, bringing ideas and insights and actively seek ways to help us enhance our dining operation. They serve as the ears and eyes throughout our community, ensuring we maintain a high success rate from the Member side.”

The Cedars’ commitment to creating community extends beyond the dining room. Inspired by Carol Stamm’s concern for single women who were frequently dining alone, Michaels, Leonard and Executive Director Sarah Flynn-Loy took action and introduced the Single Women Enjoying Eating Together (SWEET) dinners. This weekly event provides a dedicated space for single women to come together, fostering connections and a deep sense of belonging.

The dining staff at The Cedars also knows how to throw a party. Themed dining events for national holidays and special occasions, such as Valentine’s Day, Memorial Day and the Fourth of July, have become a hit among members. From Spanish-themed five-course dinners to cocktail socials throughout the year, these events bring the community together in celebration.

As The Cedars looks toward the future, exciting plans are on the horizon. A large-scale clubhouse renovation, including dining areas and the kitchen, will provide expanded spaces, a bigger bar, upgraded kitchen equipment and a more diverse menu. The Cedars’ dedication to enhancing the dining experience ensures that the future will be as mouthwatering as ever.

Ultimately, dining at The Cedars is not simply about food; it’s a journey of flavors, community and unforgettable moments. It’s a testament to the passionate team behind the scenes, the unwavering commitment to member satisfaction and the joy of sharing exceptional meals with cherished friends.

When it comes to creating smiles, strengthening friendships and making memories, you could say there’s always something cooking at The Cedars.