The DuBose Family and Roger Perry, East West Partners Founder and CEO, form a joint venture to develop a mixed-use community called Meadowmont, named after the DuBose Family home.
Dr. J. McNeely (Mac) DuBose, Roger Perry, Dave Anna, John McAdams, Peter Gevalt and Bob Woodruff form a partnership to sponsor a continuing care retirement community in Meadowmont.
Ground breaking ceremony is held in June and construction of The Cedars of Chapel Hill is underway shortly thereafter.
The first Cedars Members move into their residences in late summer.
Construction of The Cedars campus, with its Villas, Verandas, individual Cottage homes, full-service Clubhouse and on-site DuBose Health Center, is completed.
The Cedars of Chapel Hill ranks among the nation’s premier Life Plan Communities